Monday, November 10, 2008
2008 BELOW Normal??

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Farmer's Almanac Right Wing Rag?

Fans of the Almanac say its famous long-range forecast is accurate between 80 and 85 percent of the time. The predictions are based on a mathematical and astronomical formula that dates back to 1818, and each new edition contains 16 months of weather forecasts for the contiguous United States.
Friday, August 1, 2008
CO2 IS Not A Pollutant?

Earth is on a roll. Governments are too. We will know soon enough if we’re rolled off a cliff.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Why We Love Czechs!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Why We Are Doomed!

Thursday, May 1, 2008
News Flash: Oceans Part of The Earth!

2) No, the article refuses to budge on the premise that mankind is destroying the planet. This appears to us to be an excuse/a reason to explain why temperatures are NOT/have not risen globally at all in 10 years despite continued increases in CO2 in the atmosphere. Comically the article actually states that "Since 1988, CO2 levels in the world's skies have increased by 9.8 percent". OK, shouldn't global temps have markedly increased if CO2 was the cause of any global warming? Well, temps have not gone up (actually fallen) in the past decade and now we're told they may fall further in the next 10 years. If our math is correct, that would mean we'd see a full 20 years of decreasing temperatures?
3) Here's a better explanation. The Earth's climate is constantly in flux. There are variables/factors that scientists have yet to understand/discover. There are so many possible mitigating factors that go into what the global temperatures are, and the climate is, that is total and immense hubris to believe that man kind is having more than a minor (if any significant) effect on the planet. To cause alarm, and to harm people all in the name of this hoax/junk science is the biggest injustice of our time!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Unintended Consequesnces!

- Not only does Ethanol cost MORE than gasoline to produce, its also vastly less efficient to use (Less mileage per gallon)
- Its a renewable resource, BUT its a commodity with a variable degree of output: Influenced by annual weather conditions.
- Instead of the corn going to feed the world its going to refineries to be made into fuel. Spiking up prices and creating shortages
3) With prices for rice, wheat, and corn soaring, food-related unrest has broken out in places such as Haiti, Indonesia, and Afghanistan. Several countries have blocked the export of grain. There is even talk that governments could fall if they cannot bring food costs down. In an interview last year, Mr. Gore expressed his support for corn-based ethanol.
4) Its bad enough when the fix is worse than the original problem, however here its even more absurd because there was an unintended problem caused by a fix for a FICTITIOUS/FAUX PROBLEM! We believe this could be just the tip of the iceberg(pun intended). What other 'fixes' for this Faux problem will result in other catastrophes? This is precisely why people like us need to get LOUD and voice our outrage at these new/proposed policies that try to 'save the Planet'.